Belkin F5D7230-4 vA/Serial info

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Boot Log
ar531xPlus rev 0x00000090 boot loader startup...
Flash initialized
SDRAM initialized
Cache initialized

Copy program from 0xbfc00000 to 0x80520000, length 0x0000d284 bytes ... done
Jump to SDRAM 0x80520cb4 [0x10000008, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]
Clear BSS section ... done
Stack: 0x8053f0b0
Heap: 0x8053f0c0

 Wireless Gateway WG4005G 1-LF-AK Loader 0.05 build Jan  3 2008 16:41:29
                  Arcadyan Technology Corporation

Copying boot params.....DONE
cpuFreq=240000000 sysFreq=60000000 cntFreq=120000000

Press any key to enter command mode ...
Checking Valid Image in Flash... Passed.

Try to find image for running...
Valid Code found in the Flash
Uncompressed size = 2455721
I am going to run the Code image from 80001000

firmware startup...
Stack: 0x807bcd50
Heap: 0x807bcd60
[GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() Begin ..
/home/titan_liu/Project/AP65_Linux/Broadband_SuperTask/ttf2004_GW61_Vista/ttf2007_GW61_Vista/source/firmware/hardware/ar5312/ar531xbsp.c:bsp_gpio_init is called
[GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() End.
##### _ftext      = 0x80001000
##### _fdata      = 0x80231060
##### __bss_start = 0x802588A9
##### end         = 0x807ACD50
##### stack size  = 0x10000
##### Backup Data from 0x80231060 to 0x807BCD50, size = 161865 bytes

Installing TLB Refill exception handler from 80008D00 to 80000000, size=192
Installing General exception handler from 80008DC0 to 80000180, size=16
Installing Interrupt exception handler from 80008DD0 to 80000200, size=160
mips_int_enable : 0x00000400
Connect the AHB interrupt
Init the GPIOs !!!
Enable arbitration for SOC devices !!!
cpuFreq=184000000 sysFreq=40000000 cntFreq=92000000
should call WLanReset.. 
time1 0003a92d, time2 0003a921
Runtime code version: A.00.11
System startup...
[INIT] Memory COLOR 0, 800000 bytes ..
[INIT] Memory COLOR 1, 500000 bytes ..
[INIT] Memory COLOR 2, 351200 bytes ..

Flash Found. It is 2MB Flash....
Set flash memory layout to ar531xmac_set_macaddr : next = 10Boot Parameters found !!!
Bootcode version: 0.05
Serial number: BE701644386
Hardware version: 01
sizeof(struct III_Config_t) is 65492
>>> etcpip_init_config() copy over gSKUID=17, ChannelBound=13, CountryCode=8210
default route:
NUM_OF_B0=0 NUM_OF_B1=600
*BUF0=0x805caf78 *BUF1=0x804bfc68
Altgn *BUF0=0x805caf80 *BUF1=0x804bfc70
End at BUF0:0x805caf80, BUF1:0x805caf70

BUF0[0]=0x805caf80 BUF1[0]=0x804bfc70

buffer0 pointer init OK!
buffer1 pointer init OK!
gConfig.Interface[0].IP_Addr =
gConfig.Interface[0].Subnet_Mask =
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
Interface 0 ip =

gConfig.Interface[1].IP_Addr =
gConfig.Interface[1].Subnet_Mask =
ar531xmac_init: ifno=1, initstr=UNIT=0 VLAN=1
/home/titan_liu/Project/AP65_Linux/Broadband_SuperTask/ttf2004_GW61_Vista/ttf2007_GW61_Vista/source/firmware/hardware/ar5312/ar531xbsp.c:sysEnetInit is called
ae531xEndLoad: loading device ...
ae531xEndLoad: unit=0, pDmaBuf=0xa030d694, dmaBufSize=5136, txDescCount=128, rxDescCount=128, clCount=256
ae531xEndLoad: System param: mac=b0500000, dma=b0501000, ivec=4, ilev=1000
ae531xEndLoad: Flash ea = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
ae0 qt = 1, buf begin = 80000000, buf end = 80000000
ae0 qt = 1, drsc begin = a030d6a0, desc end = a030e08c
Tx Queue b=0xa030d6a0, e=0xa030e08c, c=0xa030d6a0, s@c=0x       0
ae0 qt = 2, buf begin = 804bfce2, buf end = 804f85c2
ae0 qt = 2, drsc begin = a030e0a0, desc end = a030ea8c
Rx Queue b=0xa030e0a0, e=0xa030ea8c, c=0xa030e0a0, s@c=0x80000000
ae531xMemInit: Memory setup complete.
enter athr_VLANInit
ae0 Phy Setup Failed
Please check the ethernet cable on port 0!
eth0: duplex 0, link 0
ae_SetMacFromPhy: enet0 as full duplex, 10Mbps
ae0: setting TXDP=0xa030d6a0 RXDP=0xa030e0a0
ae0 Verify MAC address B1DF1C00 00000985 
  sb = xx xx xx xx xx xx
ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1014000C
ae531xEndLoad: Done loading, pDrvCtrl=8030D48C txQ=8030D4B8 rxQ=8030D4CC
ae_unitLinkGained :
ae_SetMacFromPhy: enet0 as full duplex, 10Mbps
call ae531xStart
ae531xStart: Interrupt connected 0x0 0x4 0x80176EC8 0x8030D48C.
ae531xDmaIntEnable 0001a1e2
ae531xStart: complete. im = 0001A1E2, is = 00660004.
mips_int_enable : 0x00001400
Wake up DHCP client
ar531xmac_init: enet0 set to VLAN mode
ar531xmac_init: enet0 interface 1 registered to VLAN 1

  DmaStatus  = 0x  660004
  DmaBusMode = 0x    2084
  DmaRxBase  = 0x  30e0a0
  DmaTxBase  = 0x  30d6a0
  DmaControl = 0x  202002
  DmaIntr    = 0x   1a1e2
  MacControl = 0x1014000c
  MacAddrHi  = 0x     xxx
  MacAddrLo  = 0xxxxxxxxx
  MacVlan1   = 0x    xxxx
  MacVlan2   = 0x       x

Rx Queue b=0xa030e0a0, e=0xa030ea8c, c=0xa030e0a0, s@c=0x80000000
Current Rx buffer = 0x  4bfce2
Tx Queue b=0xa030d6a0, e=0xa030e08c, c=0xa030d6a0, s@c=0x       0
Current Tx buffer = 0x       0
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1014000C
Interface 1 ip =

ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1014000C
gConfig.Interface[2].IP_Addr =
gConfig.Interface[2].Subnet_Mask =
ar531xmac_init: ifno=2, initstr=UNIT=0 VLAN=2
ar531xmac_init: driver already loaded, number of instances is 2
ar531xmac_init: enet0 set to VLAN mode
ar531xmac_init: enet0 interface 2 registered to VLAN 2

  DmaStatus  = 0x  660004
  DmaBusMode = 0x    2084
  DmaRxBase  = 0x  30e0a0
  DmaTxBase  = 0x  30d6a0
  DmaControl = 0x  202002
  DmaIntr    = 0x   1a1e2
  MacControl = 0x1014000c
  MacAddrHi  = 0x     xxx
  MacAddrLo  = 0xxxxxxxxx
  MacVlan1   = 0x    xxxx
  MacVlan2   = 0x       x

Rx Queue b=0xa030e0a0, e=0xa030ea8c, c=0xa030e0a0, s@c=0x80000000
Current Rx buffer = 0x  4bfce2
Tx Queue b=0xa030d6a0, e=0xa030e08c, c=0xa030d6a0, s@c=0x       0
Current Tx buffer = 0x       0
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
iput_IpLinkUp(ifno=2)> ifp->add_default_route:1
Re-Init NAT data structure
Init NAT data structure
Interface 2 ip =

gConfig.Interface[4].IP_Addr =
gConfig.Interface[4].Subnet_Mask =
[HWLAN] ifno=4 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] pRadio->abolt = 00000000
[HWLAN] pRadio->abolt = 00000000
[HWLAN] gSetting.BasicRate=f 
[HWLAN] apCfgDefaultSet : prepare to set WDS.. 
apInit: Initialize Access Point.
[HWLAN] ar5hwcCreatePhy : ifno:4 pdevInfo=80386748, devno=1
[HWLAN] devno 1 pdevInfo 80386748
[HWLAN] Base address = b0000000, irq 3
Attach AR5212 0x13 0x80386748
[HWLAN] DOMAIN 00008210
[HWLAN] MAC Address=xx-xx-xx=xx-xx-xx 
[HWLAN] wlan1 revisions: mac 11.0 phy 4.8 analog 8.6 eeprom 5.3
[HWLAN] phwChannel 2462, channelFlags 00005400
[HWLAN] size of ATHEROS_DESC hardware part 32
[HWLAN] AR_HEADER_SIZE 96, AR_BUF_SIZE 1696numDescriptors = 704
<<< Try to NonCache 223264
[HWLAN] wlan1: pDmaBuf=A025A330
[HWLAN] pMemBuf a025a330 pdevInfo->pDmaBuf a025a330
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 802d3aac
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 802d3ac0
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 802d3ad4
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 802d3ae8
[HWLAN] pMemBuf a0276330, pdevInfo->pDmaBuf + pdevInfo->dmaBufSize a0290b50
[HWLAN] muxDevLoad is called for vportNum 10000, loadfn 800d5f3c, vportStr 16: 0: 1
[HWLAN] ioctl CMD=0xb
mips_int_connect: ivec 3 ar5hwcInt 800ba644 pdevInfo 80386748
mips_int_enable : 0x00001C00
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd : vp, 10000
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd (base BSS) succeeded for vp1
wlan1 added STA: 00:1c:df:b1:85:09 (2530)
[HWLAN] ifno=4 after call apInit() : .... bg 1 , a 0 .... 
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
Interface 4 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
ruleCheck()> Group: 0,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 1,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 2,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
CBAC rule format check succeed !!
reqCBACBuf()> init match pool, Have: 50
Memory Address: 0x80796874 ~ 0x80796e08
reqCBACBuf()> init timeGap pool, Have: 2000
Memory Address: 0x80796e08 ~ 0x807a0a5c
reqCBACBuf()> init sameHost pool, Have: 200
Memory Address: 0x807a0a5c ~ 0x807a237c
CBAC rule pool initialized !!
Init NAT data structure
No default route, no need to reinit the NAT data structure
RUNTASK id=2 if_task if0...
RUNTASK id=3 if_task if1...
RUNTASK id=4 if_task if2...
RUNTASK id=5 if_task if4...
RUNTASK id=6 timer_task...
RUNTASK id=7 conn_mgr...
RUNTASK id=8 main_8021x...
RUNTASK id=9 main_lltd...
RUNTASK id=10 period_task...
RUNTASK id=11,  dhcp_clt task success...
RUNTASK id=12 pptp_callmgr...
httpd: listen at
RUNTASK httpd...
RUNTASK id=15 dnsproxy...
UPnP is enabled
UPNP Device initialize success! slot=16

>>> belkin_wan_cfg task runs successfully, task_id = 17
RUNTASK id=18 wscmain...
RUNTASK id=19 wsc_Send_eap_packet...
RUNTASK id=20 wsc_Send_UPNP_packet...
RUNTASK id=21 WSC_WaitUserAction_Task...
Starting Multitask...
load_lang_table to : English.cpz
get_language /www/doc/English.cpz, size=70207, >>>>>>>>
RUNTASK id=22 hwlan_light_isr...
RUNTASK id=23 led_task...
MTstart2() begin  ...
init psock cnt=12
turn on hwlan light
Wi-Fi Simple Config Application - Intel Corp.
Version: Build 1.02, May@#*@#*@#*EAP-WSC: Entered eap_wsc_init *#@*#@*#@
Entered udp_read
wsc_Send_eap_packet:udpFdupnp_wcn:16;;udpFdupnp:1WSC_WaitUserAction:wait user action:2
 ser action:2
Initializing stack...
---------in wsc init----------
[18]pthread_cond_init: 0
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 26
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 27
[PORTABLITY]:WscCreateThread--------------WscCmd:ActualCBThreadProc: Started
0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x8002C168  PC=0x8002C26C
0x00000003,Function=0x80upnp_Init: flag=0
SSDP Initialization completed0eted...
0x00000004,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000005,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

============.  PC=0xFFFFFFF8
GenaInit : event_hook is NULL!!
=nt_hook is NULL!!
Atheros_NetTask running ...
[18]pthread_cond_init: 1
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 28
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 29
[WscCmd:ActualUIThreadProc: Started.
ActualUIThreadProc: wait q
PtualUIThreadProc: wait q

0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x8002C168  PC=0x8002C33C
0x00000003,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C064
0x00000004,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000005,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

MasterControl constructor
WscCmd::MC instantiated ok
[18]pthread_cond_init: 2
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 30
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 31
0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x801B0F18  PC=0x801B100C
0x00000003,Function=0x8002C168  PC=0x8002C3C4
0x00000004,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C064
0x00000005,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000006,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 32
 CTransport Construction
[18]pthread_cond_init: 3
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 33
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 34
0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x80In CTransport::ActualCBThreadProc
ActualCBThreadProc: Calling Dequeue
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x801AFD70  PC=0x801AFE18
0x00000003,Function=0x801B0F18  PC=0x801B1174
0x00000004,Function=0x8002C168  PC=0x8002C3C4
0x00000005,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C064
0x00000006,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000007,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

MC::Init: Init complete ok
WscCmd::MC intialized ok
WscCmd::Init ok, starting stack...
Info::ReadConfigFile: Called
Info::ReadConfigFile:File open ok
authTypeFlags is 1 ,encrTypeFlags is 1 ,m_nwKey is , key len is 0
 ssid is belkin54g
S, 14e
E, 1c1
RegistrarSM constructor
[18]pthread_cond_init: 4
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 35
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 36
0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x800093CC  PC=0x800094B8
0x00000003,Function=0x801C2128  PC=0x801C2138
0x00000004,Function=0x801B4090  PC=0x801B4238
0x00000005,Function=0x801B15B8  PC=0x801B171C
0x00000006,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C094
0x00000007,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000008,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 37
 RegistrarSM constructor
[18]pthread_cond_init: 5
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 38
[18]pthread_mutex_init: resource No. 39
0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x800093CC  PC=0x800094B8
0x00000003,Function=0x801B4090  PC=0x801B42D0
0x00000004,Function=0x801B15B8  PC=0x801B171C
0x00000005,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C094
0x00000006,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000007,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

in startMonitor....
CInbEap Construction
Sizeof(WSC_NOTIFY_DATA) = -2143184464
---test--sizeof(WSC_NOTIFY_DATA) = 36
[18]pthread_cond_init: 6
 Entered udp_open
Socket open successful, sd: -2143184480
Entered udp_open
Socket open successful, sd: -2143184480
Entered udp_bind
Binding successful for socket [-2143184496]
====================In CInbEap::StaticRecvThread
CInbEap::ActualRecvThread Started
Entered udp_read
=ead Started
0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x801C06F0  PC=0x801C0728
0x00000003,Function=0x801AFE80  PC=0x801B008C
0x00000004,Function=0x801B4090  PC=0x801B43A4
0x00000005,Function=0x801B15B8  PC=0x801B171C
0x00000006,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C094
0x00000007,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000008,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

in startMonitor....
CInbUPnPDev Construction
Entered udp_open
Socket open successful, sd: -2143184480
Entered udp_open
Socket open successful, sd: -2143184480
Entered udp_bind
Binding successful for socket [-2143184496]
CInbUPnPDev StartMonitor
[PORTABLITY]:In CInbUPnPDev::StaticUPnPThread
end UPnPCreateMicroStack
Entered udp_read

0x00000000,Function=0x800A50B4  PC=0x800A50F4
0x00000001,Function=0x801AC74C  PC=0x801AC7DC
0x00000002,Function=0x801C15E4  PC=0x801C1630
0x00000003,Function=0x801AFE80  PC=0x801B008C
0x00000004,Function=0x801B4090  PC=0x801B43B0
0x00000005,Function=0x801B15B8  PC=0x801B171C
0x00000006,Function=0x8002BFE4  PC=0x8002C094
0x00000007,Function=0x80003020  PC=0x80003018
0x00000008,Function=0x00000000  PC=0xFFFFFFF8

MC::SwitchModeOn: Exit
MC::StartStack: Informing app of mode
-WscCmd::CallbackProc Enqueue done
MC::SwitchModeOn: Done callback
exit ws@@[25]pthread_mutex_unlock: the res is free 26-- -2145576636
WscCmd:ActualCBThreadProc: CB_MAIN_PUSH_MODE recd

c MODE: Access Point *******
******* MODE: Access Point *******
-@@[29]pthread_mutex_unlock: the res is free 28-- -2145574540

0. Quit
1. Get configured
2. Get configured via push-button
3. Get configured using IEs
Enter selection: ***gp_mc->mp_info->GetSwitchMode():1
MC::SetBeaconIE: call to trans->SetBeaconIE() ok
MC::SetProbeRespIE: call to trans->SetProbeRespIE() ok
Waiting for Registrar to connect...
WscCmd::unconfig initiated
ActualUIThreadProc: wait q
[HWLAN] Ready