Belkin F5D5231-4 v3/Serial info

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boot log
ADM5120 Boot:+P

                            NetMall System Boot

Copyright 2002-2003  ADMtek, Inc.

CPU: ADM5120 Home Gateway Processor
POST Version: 2.02.0154
Creation Date: 2005.01.31

Press <space> key three times to stop autoboot...

Verifying product code......PASS
Boot Product Code!!!
DHCPC:DHCP Client Started.
Setting well_known IP

DHCPS:DHCP Server Started.
IpDefenseCfg_Config.status = 1

  Renaissance project:
    Command Line Interface. v.3.01.03 2005.03.23

waiting for data on port TCP 10101
cmd> help
cmd> help

            Command Line Interface v0.01
rmem      : Read memory.
        Usage : rmem <Address> [Num of Words]
wmem      : Write memory.
        Usage : wmem <Address> <Data0> [Data1] ... [Data7]
rmi       : read mii phy register.
        Usage : rmi <phy addr> <reg>
wmi       : write mii phy register.
        Usage : wmi <phy addr> <reg> <Data>
time      : Get current system time.
        Usage : time
settime   : Set system time.
        Usage : settime <hh:mm:ss> [yy/mm/dd] [TZ(GMT +/- hour)]
help      : List all commands.
        Usage : help
mkdir     : Make directories.
        Usage : mkdir <dir>
create    : Create files.
        Usage : create <file>
cat       : Concatenate files.
        Usage : cat <file>

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

ls        : List directory contents.
        Usage : ls [dir]
rm        : Remove files.
        Usage : rm <file>
rmdir     : Remove directories.
        Usage : rmdir <DIRECTORY>
copy      : Copy files.
        Usage : copy <source> <destination>
nvclear   : Clear all of the NVFS files.
        Usage : nvclear
routeShow : Show Route.
        Usage : routeShow
mbufShow  : Show Mbuf statistics.
        Usage : mbufShow
ifShow    : Dispaly network interface.
        Usage : ifShow <ifname>
ifAllShow : Dispaly all network interface.
        Usage : ifAllShow
taskShow  : Show Task informations.
        Usage : taskShow

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

semShow   : Show Semaphore informations.
        Usage : semShow
timerShow : Show Timer informations.
        Usage : timerShow
memShow   : Show memory pool informations.
        Usage : memShow
msgqShow  : Show message queue informations.
        Usage : msgqShow
eventShow : Show event group informations.
        Usage : eventShow
knlShow   : Show kernel resource informations.
        Usage : knlShow
ipConfig  : Configure interface address and subnet mask.
        Usage : ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnet mask]
ipStatus  : Change IP status. 1 for Enabled, 2 for Disabled..
        Usage : ipStatus [ifname] [status]
ipAdd     : Add alias IP address..
        Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask]
ipDel     : Delete alias IP address..
        Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask]

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

arpAdd    : Add an ARP entry to ARP table..
        Usage : arpAdd [ip] <Ethernet Address>
arpDel    : Delete an ARP entry..
        Usage : arpDel [ip]
arpGet    : Get the hardware address of a specify IP..
        Usage : arpGet [ip]
arpFlush  : Flush ARP table..
        Usage : arpFlush [ifname]
ping      : Ping a host..
        Usage : ping [ip] [ms]
dhcpcRelease: Release the IP address for the specified interface..
        Usage : dhcpcRelease [ifname]
dhcpcRenew: Renew the IP address for the specified interface..
        Usage : dhcpcRenew [ifname]
dhcpcLog  : Show dhcpclog..
        Usage : dhcpcLog
dhcpcLogTest: Test dhcpclog..
        Usage : dhcpcLogTest [line_num]
dhcpsStart: Start DHCP Server..
        Usage : dhcpsStart

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

dhcpsStop : Stop DHCP Server..
        Usage : dhcpsStop
dhcpsAddIp: Add static IP to the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsAddIp [mac(00-00-00-00-00-00)] [ip(]
dhcpsDelIp: Delete static IP from the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsDelIp [ip(]
dhcpsBindingNum: Print binding number of the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsBindingNum
dhcpsShowStatic: Print static IP of the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsShowStatic
natShow   : Show NAT link table information.
        Usage : natShow
natStart  : Enable NAT function.
        Usage : natStart
natStop   : Disabled NAT function.
        Usage : natStop
bindShow  : Show NAT bind table information.
        Usage : bindShow
upnpPMShow: Show UPnP port mapping table information.
        Usage : upnpPMShow

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

triggerPort: Set trigger port, when public port num is 0 will delete this entry..
        Usage : triggerPort [index] [port] <protocol> [public port num] [start] [end] [protocol]....
triggerShow: Show trigger port information.
        Usage : triggerShow
icqShow   : Show ICQ link information.
        Usage : icqShow
mmsShow   : Show MMS link information.
        Usage : mmsShow
gethostbyname: gethostbyname.
        Usage : gethostbyname
tftpc     : TFTP client.
        Usage : tftpc <GET|PUT> <host> <remotename> <localname>
tftps     : Start TFTP server.
        Usage : tftps [dir] [timeout]
update    : Update runtime code (need to download image file "download" to /tmp).
        Usage : update
setAccessHost: Add/delete access host.
        Usage : setAccessHost [NET(xx.xx.xx.xx)] [MASK (xx.xx.xx.xx)] <index>
accessHostShow: Show access host information.
        Usage : accessHostShow

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

ripStart  : Enable RIP .
        Usage : ripStart <version>
ripStop   : Disable RIP .
        Usage : ripStop
ripShow   : Show RIP table .
        Usage : ripShow
connectTest: Test the Connecting mode. .
        Usage : connectTest [testing number]
upnp      : UPnP switch. .
        Usage : upnp [on/off]
upnpTest  : Test UPnP. .
        Usage : upnpTest [times]
cmd> ifShow
cmd> ifShow
lo (unit number 0):
     Internet address:
     Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xff000000
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1536
     0 packets received; 0 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     0 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 0):
     Internet address:
     Broadcast address:
     Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00
     Ethernet address is 00:0e:2e:5d:8e:b7
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 17 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     17 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 1):
     Ethernet address is 00:0e:2e:5d:8e:b8
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 9 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     0 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
cmd> taskShow
cmd> taskShow

Task Table List
   Name            Priority         Status
0. KnlTask         0        QUEUE_SUSPEND
1. tNetTas         50       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
2. tNvTask         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
3. tDhcpcT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
4. tDnsPro         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
5. tDhcpsT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
6. tSntpc          100      READY
7. tHttpD          100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
8. tHtpTsk         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
9. clitask         5        READY
10. tUpnpD          100      READY
11. tUpnpTs         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
12. tEasyCo         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
13. tDhcpPi         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
14. powerbu         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
cmd> memShow
cmd> memShow

Memory Pool List
   Name            StartAddr  Size  MinAlloc Available    Type TasksWaiting
0. ShaMem          0x803F0000 65536     48      30896     FIFO          0
1. KenMem          0x802EB800 1067008   48      334292    FIFO          0
2. DskMem          0x80235000 747520    48      388       FIFO          0
3. UsrMem          0x80190394 674924    48      419956    FIFO          0
cmd> knlShow
cmd> knlShow

Task Table List
   Name            Priority         Status
0. KnlTask         0        QUEUE_SUSPEND
1. tNetTas         50       READY
2. tNvTask         100      READY
3. tDhcpcT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
4. tDnsPro         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
5. tDhcpsT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
6. tSntpc          100      READY
7. tHttpD          100      READY
8. tHtpTsk         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
9. clitask         5        READY
10. tUpnpD          100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
11. tUpnpTs         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
12. tEasyCo         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
13. tDhcpPi         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
14. powerbu         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND

Memory Pool List
   Name            StartAddr  Size  MinAlloc Available    Type TasksWaiting
0. ShaMem          0x803F0000 65536     48      30896     FIFO          0
1. KenMem          0x802EB800 1067008   48      333716    FIFO          0
2. DskMem          0x80235000 747520    48      388       FIFO          0
3. UsrMem          0x80190394 674924    48      420024    FIFO          0

Semaphore Table List
   Name             Type      Count  TasksWaitting
0. MFS_SEM         FIFO      1       0
1. netSem          FIFO      0       1
2. splSem          FIFO      1       0
3. hosttbl         FIFO      1       0
4. mblksem         PRIORITY  1       0
5. mclsem          PRIORITY  1       0
6. FLSH            FIFO      1       0
7. sio_Rx0         FIFO      0       0
8. sio_RT0         FIFO      0       0
9. NVRAM           FIFO      1       0
10. downloa         FIFO      1       0
11. user_cf         FIFO      1       0
12. pppoe_c         FIFO      1       0
13. pptp_cf         FIFO      1       0
14. dhcpc_c         FIFO      1       0
15. dhcpcLo         FIFO      1       0
16. DhcpcSe         FIFO      1       0
17. dhcpcMu         FIFO      1       0
18. dhcpcEv         FIFO      1       0
19. dhcp_ti         FIFO      1       0
20. leaseSe         FIFO      1       0
21. ip_cfg          FIFO      1       0
22. nat_cfg         FIFO      1       0
23. route_c         FIFO      1       0
24. dns_rel         FIFO      1       0
25. dhcps_c         FIFO      1       0
26. time_zo         FIFO      1       0
27. sntpc_c         FIFO      1       0
28. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
29. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
30. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
31. ip_fire         FIFO      1       0
32. ip_defe         FIFO      1       0
33. ip_filt         FIFO      1       0
34. url_fil         FIFO      1       0
35. http_cf         FIFO      1       0
36. access_         FIFO      1       0
37. ethftr_         FIFO      1       0
38. upnp_cf         FIFO      1       0
39. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
40. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
41. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
42. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
43. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
44. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
45. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
46. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
47. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
48. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
49. sorSem          FIFO      1       0

Timer Table List
   Name            Status    InitialTime Expirations
0. t0              Enable    100        0
<.. the system crashes at this point (or before)>

bootloader info

text on autoboot abort
ADM5120 Boot:+P

                            NetMall System Boot

Copyright 2002-2003  ADMtek, Inc.

CPU: ADM5120 Home Gateway Processor
POST Version: 2.02.0154
Creation Date: 2005.01.31

Press <space> key three times to stop autoboot...

Net Routing Table:
Destination     Gateway           NetMask         Flags   Used Hops Interface

     POST Menu
[1] Xmodem Download
[2] TFTP Client Download
[3] TFTP Server Download
[4] Print Boot Params
[5] Set Boot Params
[6] Set Boot Mode
[7] Exit

Please enter your number:
boot params
Please enter your number: 4

Print Boot Parameters.

Serial number: 506B3000725

Hardware version: F5D5231-4

Mac addres: 00-0e-2e-5d-8e-b7
Number of Mac address: 2

Number of configured interface: 0