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{{powerConsumptionObs/Wi-Fi_adapter |pagename= |device_MAC= |platform= |platform_OS= |driver= |controller= |controller_bus_ver= |date_tested= |antenna= |testAP_24= |testAP_5= |testSTA= |test_tags= |addl_notes= |idleOff_amps= |idleOff_volts= |idleNoAssoc_amps= |idleNoAssoc_volts= |idleAssoc_amps= |idleAssoc_volts= |activeTx_24_amps= |activeTx_24_volts= |activeTx_24_throughput= |activeRx_24_amps= |activeRx_24_volts= |activeRx_24_throughput= |activeTx_5_amps= |activeTx_5_volts= |activeTx_5_throughput= |activeRx_5_amps= |activeRx_5_volts= |activeRx_5_throughput= |monitorHop_amps= |monitorHop_volts= |monitorHop_nets= |monitorLock_wTraf_amps= |monitorLock_wTraf_volts= |monitorLock_wTraf_PPS= }}
802dot11 PHY mode color legend
no 802.11 protocols specified
not 802.11 compliant
legacy (FHSS)
legacy (DSSS)
abgn (Wi-Fi 4)
abgn+ac (Wi-Fi 5)
abgn+ac+ax (Wi-Fi 6)
ad (60GHz)
ay (60GHz)
af (White-Fi)
ah (HaLow)
ba (WUR)
bb (Li-Fi)
be (Wi-Fi 7)
things to make the wiki suck less...
- more data
- redo individual page format so it is more functional
- break down main super-templates into domain specific templates and a central 'display' template
- increase ease to find similar devices w/ additional queries
- semanticize all information that can be semanticized
- product / support pages, tagline, power adapter info (subobj.), LED config. / colors / etc, PCB color (useless), PCB text, more part (type, manuf) info, more USB info (mostly device form factor and connector type)
- pictures need classification and license tagging
- msupload changes needed..
- navbox / etc integration
- per part / chipset / vendor / manuf. / firmware (I guess..) pages
- w/ queries and visualizations per page
- representative picture queries
- per picture 'quality' flag, maybe (access control issues..)
- representative picture queries
- for manuf. / vendor
- add relevant locations
- history
- associations with other corporations / companies / etc
- integration w/ reviews (problematic...) for some sort of quality scoring
- for vendor
- add UPC / EAN / etc ranges
- per part / chipset
- additional specifications for device queries (and non)
- processor architecture
- full part info w/ per part chip package info
- semiconductor process info
- fabs used (uh, probably not)
- development and release dates
- driver information for various platforms (if applicable)
- datasheet location
- firmware / microcode information
- interface information
- integration w/ reviews (problematic...) for some sort of quality scoring
- anything else that would be of interest
- vendor sales and manuf. numbers would be awesome, but it's not like that is ever going to happen
- additional specifications for device queries (and non)
- per firmware pages
- everything in my talk page
- w/ queries and visualizations per page
- aggregate more useful data and integrate into device pages
- price info
- vendor info
- reviews (maybe, per user integration via mediawiki would be possible.. but obvious trust issues would exist - would also require per user + page access control..)
- redo main page so it is actually functional and not complete crap
- increase ease of queriability
- add form based queries
- templatize most queries for better data display
- non-crap citation and content attribution
- add actual documentation / help pages
- add additional Windows drivers
add usb capability info
.. this would be best handled w/ a per chipset page (and then queried from there). assigning each value per page is not exactly desirable except for exceptions
sandbox / other pages
- User:M86/junk
- User:M86/USB device power consumption
- User:M86/Additional unspecified devices
- User:M86/Broadcom core revision table
- User:M86/Receiver sensitivity table
- User:M86/D3 cable modems (DOCSIS 3.0 compatible modems)
- User:M86/ThinkPad batteries
additional query pages
- DNI:Pages with TechInfoDepot links - link of all pages with assigned TechInfoDepot links
- DNI:Pages with SupportPage links - link of all pages with assigned product support pages