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Ubiquiti Networks SR71-A

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abgn (AN600)
Ubiquiti Networks SR71-A
Mini PCI
Mini PCI
ID:168c:0027 (4 addl. devices) SS: 0777:4082
Windows: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0027&SUBSYS_40820777
Atheros AR9001-3NX
Atheros AR9160
Atheros AR9106

OUI: 00:15:6D (9 E, 22 W)

Antenna Connection
MIMO status
Wireless Standards
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n
up to 300/300 Mbps
up to 54 Mbps
up to 11 Mbps
up to 54 Mbps
Operating Frequency
2.4 or 5 GHz
high power

Windows driver
try this, if it doesn't work let me know

FCC approval date 17 July 2008
ASIN B004EHWNJG Flag of the United States.svg
Ubiquiti Networks SR71-USBSWX-SR71

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.

For a list of all currently documented Ubiquiti Networks device with specifications, see Ubiquiti Networks.

300 Mbps - 2SS 5GHz 802.11n (40MHz chan.),
300 Mbps - 2SS 2.4GHz 802.11n (40MHz chan.) = AN600 class


The card pictured in the FCC internal photos is using an AR9160-AC1E (NF2964.02C, 0749, China). The presumed manuf. date code on the card is 0803 (soo.. week 3 [Jan] 2008?).

It would be classified as a variant 1 card according to the criteria below.
.. the one pictured in the external photos (blue PCB, date code 0801) manuf. is obviously an older (pre-final) revision.

noted tested card types

  • slightly pink (thin) silkscreened text on front ('CWE ML-1 94V-0), no back silkscreened text (variant 1)
    • using AR9160-AC1E (NC4538.00B, Taiwan), eCERA 40MHz crystal
    • reflective FEMs marked with "WN 8C1", "HC015C"
    • Indiv. cards: 0834 (0831, 00:15:6D:84:0X:XX, -1)
  • "<LM> 030", "94V-0", "4401171" silkscreened text (variant 2)
    • using AR9160-BC1A (N1M671.00C, China [ch1]) / AR9160-AC1E (NC4538.00B, Taiwan [ch2]) / AR9160-BC1A (N2S281.00B, Taiwan [ch3]), AKER 40MHz crystal
    • thick front silkscreened text
    • matte FEMs marked with ("WN" <XXX>, <XXXXX>"R")
    • Indiv. cards: ???? (0953, 00:15:6D:84:5X:XX, ch1), 1033 (1014, 00:15:6D:84:7X:XX, ch1), 1035 (1014, 00:15:6D:84:8X:XX), 1045 (1026, 00:15:6D:84:8X:XX, ch1, x3, -1), 1048 (1014, 00:15:6D:84:9X:XX, ch1), 1048 (1012, 00:15:6D:84:9X:XX, ch2), 1101 (1052, 00:15:6D:84:9X:XX, ch3, x9, +1 -1)
  • "CME 2M "<backwards R+U fused>"94V-0" (???) silkscreened text (variant 3)
    • using AR9160-BC1A (N4T447.05C, China [ch1]) / AR9160-BC1A (N4B032.00C, China [ch2]), AKER 40MHz crystal
    • thin front silkscreened text
    • matte FEMs marked with ("WN" <XXX>, <XXXXX>"R")
    • Indiv. cards: 1112 (1107, 00:15:6D:84:BX:XX), 1123 (1107, 00:15:6D:84:DX:XX, ch1), 1123 (1107, 00:15:6D:84:DX:XX, 3x, ch2)

ath9k output per chip

  • AR9160-AC1E
    • NC4538.00B
      • Atheros AR9160 MAC/BB Rev:0 AR5133 RF Rev:b0
  • AR9160-BC1A
    • N2S281.00B
      • Atheros AR9160 MAC/BB Rev:1 AR5133 RF Rev:b0

Additional specifications

The following specs are per UBNT's datasheet for the device.

Typical Receiver Sensitivity w/ 11g rates (more)

  • -97 dBm @ 6M (BPSK)
  • -90 dBm @ 36M (16-QAM)
  • -86 dBm @ 48M (64-QAM)
  • -84 dBm @ 54M (64-QAM)

Typical Receiver Sensitivity w/ 11a rates (more)

  • -96 dBm @ 6M (BPSK)
  • -95 dBm @ 36M (16-QAM)
  • -94 dBm @ 48M (64-QAM)
  • -91 dBm @ 54M (64-QAM)