Template:Infobox Embedded System

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3rd Party Firmware
Status Unknown
Status Unknown
Tomato any flavor
Brand? Model?
none specified
Brand? Model?
Flash1 Chip
Brand? Model?
Flash1 Size
? MiB
RAM1 Size
? MiB
RAM1 Chip
Brand? Model?
ETH chip1
Brand? Model?

802dot11 OUI: none specified

Expansion IF types
none specified
Documentation icon Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
Infobox templates
template context
{{Infobox Network Adapter}} Network Adapter
{{Infobox Embedded System}} Embedded System
{{Infobox Network Switch}} Network Switch
{{Infobox Network Hub}} Network Hub
{{Infobox 802dot11 device NOS}} 802dot11 device NOS
{{Infobox Bluetooth device NOS}} Bluetooth device NOS
{{Infobox Hard disk drive}} Hard disk drive
{{Infobox Mobile general-purpose computer (non-PC)}} Mobile general-purpose computer (non-PC)
{{Infobox Peripheral NOS}} Peripheral NOS
{{Infobox Portable personal computer}} Portable personal computer
{{Infobox Solid-state drive}} Solid-state drive
{{Infobox USB Hub}} USB Hub

Fully capable of handling 4 radio systems

Full list with explanations






Full list for copy & paste

To use, copy and paste this on the Embedded System page or use the preloaded web page wizard here. For each variable, delete everything from <!-- to --> and enter the information as described.

{{inuse}}{{Infobox Embedded System
|image1             = <!-- Image filename -->
|image1_size        = <!-- Image size, ex.150px -->
|caption            = <!-- tagline -->
|caption2           = <!-- 2nd tagleine -->
|pp                 = <!-- product page url only -->
|ppalt              = 
|sp                 = <!-- Support page url only -->
|spalt              = 
|dl                 = <!-- Download page url only -->
|dlalt              = 
|wikidevi           = <!-- wikidevi.wi-cat.ru page, included underscores -->
|wikipedia          = <!-- [[wikipedia:Main Page|Wikipedia]] Leave blank for none -->
|ddwrtsupport       = <!-- Activation, Donation, Incompatible, Not Supported, Partial Support, Supported, TBD, Unofficially, WIP -->
|openwrtsupport     = <!-- Incompatible, Not Supported, Partial Support, Supported, WIP, Unofficially, -->
|tomatosupport      = <!-- Incompatible, Not Supported, Partial Support, Supported, WIP, Unofficially, -->
|gargoylesupport    = <!-- Incompatible, Not Supported, Partial Support, Supported, WIP, Unofficially, -->

|brand              = <!-- Brand? Name, Leave blank for unknown -->
|model              = <!-- Model number, Leave blank for unknown -->
|submodelappend     = <!-- yes, for space -->
|submodel           = <!-- SubModel number, Leave blank for unknown -->
|revision           = <!-- Model Revision, Leave blank for none or unknown -->
|subrevision        = <!-- Model Subrevision, Leave blank for none or unknown -->
|model_part_num     = 
|page_start_date    = 
|page_start_origon  = 
|wlclass            = <!-- Wireless class -->
|plclass            = 
|series             = <!-- Device series -->
|type               = <!-- Type of device, Leave blank for none -->
|sernum             = <!-- First 4 or so for easy version identification -->
|fcc_id             = <!-- Federal Communication Commission Identification Number -->
|icid               = <!-- Industry Canada Identification number, Leave blank for unknown -->
|us_id              = <!-- US ID number -->
|boardid            = <!-- Board Identification, Leave blank for none -->
|ecc_id             = <!-- eec-id -->

|cpu1chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|cpu1_cores         = <!-- 1,2,3,4 -->
|cpu1_cores2        = 
|cpu1_cores3        = 
|cpu1_total_cores   = 
|cpu1_type          = <!-- ARM,MIPS,x86-64,PowerPC, -->
|cpu1_type_rev      = <!-- CPU1 type Revision, Leave blank for unknown -->
|cpu1_type2         = 
|cpu1_type2_rev     = 
|cpu1_type3         = 
|cpu1_type3_rev     = 
|cpu1spd            = <!-- CPU1 speed, MHz, GHz, Leave blank if unknown -->
|cpu1spd2           = 
|cpu1spd3           = 
|is_doc             = ?
|bus                = <!-- 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, Leave blank for none -->
|cpu2chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|cpu2_cores         = <!-- 1,2,3,4 -->
|cpu2_type          = <!-- ARM,MIPS,x86-64,PowerPC, -->
|cpu2_type_rev      = <!-- CPU1 type Revision, Leave blank for unknown -->
|cpu2spd            = <!-- CPU1 speed, MHz, GHz, Leave blank if unknown -->
|cpu2_is_doc        = ?
|bus2               = <!-- 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, Leave blank for none -->
|cpu3_is_doc        = ?
|bus3               = <!-- 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, Leave blank for none -->

|gpu1chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|gpu1_cores         = <!-- 1,2,3,4 -->
|gpu1_type          = <!-- ARM,MIPS,x86-64,PowerPC, -->
|gpu1_type_rev      = <!-- GPU1 type Revision, Leave blank for unknown -->
|gpu1spd            = <!-- gpu speed, MHz, GHz, Leave blank if unknown -->

|flash1type         = <!-- Parallel,Serial(SPI),SPI NOR,NAND,Compact Flash, -->
|fla1_num           = <!-- 1,2,3,4 -->
|fla1chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|flash1size         = <!-- Size of flash -->
|flash1maxsize      = <!-- Maximum size firmware can be in bytes -->
|flash2type         = <!-- Parallel,Serial(SPI),SPI NOR,NAND,Compact Flash, -->
|fla2_num           = <!-- 1,2,3,4 -->
|fla2chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|flash2size         = <!-- Size of flash -->
|flash2maxsize      = <!-- Maximum size firmware can be in bytes -->
|flash3type         = <!-- Parallel,Serial(SPI),SPI NOR,NAND,Compact Flash, -->
|fla3_num           = <!-- 1,2,3,4 -->
|fla3chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|flash3size         = <!-- Size of flash -->
|flash3maxsize      = <!-- Maximum size firmware can be in bytes -->

|ram1type           = <!-- DDR,DDR2,DDR3,DDR4, -->
|ram1type1          = <!-- SO-DIMM,SDRAM, -->
|ram1spd            = <!-- RAM speed -->
|ram1size           = <!-- Size of RAM -->
|ram1chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|ram1_num           = <!-- Number of Ram chips -->
|ram2type           = <!-- DDR,DDR2,DDR3,DDR4, -->
|ram2type1          = <!-- SO-DIMM,SDRAM, -->
|ram2spd            = <!-- RAM speed -->
|ram2size           = <!-- Size of RAM -->
|ram2chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|ram2_num           = <!-- Number of Ram chips -->
|ram3type           = <!-- DDR,DDR2,DDR3,DDR4, -->
|ram3type1          = <!-- SO-DIMM,SDRAM, -->
|ram3spd            = <!-- RAM speed -->
|ram3size           = <!-- Size of RAM -->
|ram3chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|ram3_num           = <!-- Number of Ram chips -->
|nvramsize          = <!-- 32, 60, 64, etc... in kb, Leave blank for unknown -->

|eth_none           = <!-- true, -->
|eth_cpu            = <!-- true, -->
|eth1chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth2chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth3chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth4chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth5chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth6chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth7chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|eth8chip           = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|sw_cpu             = <!-- true, -->
|sw1chip            = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|sw2chip            = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|sw3chip            = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|sw4chip            = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|cm_down_c          = 
|cm_up_c            = 
|docsisver          = 
|dsl_ports          = 
|voip_ports         = 
|wan_ports          = <!-- 1, -->
|wan_speed          = <!-- 10MbE,100MbE,1GbE, -->
|wan2_ports         = <!-- 1, -->
|wan2_speed         = <!-- 10MbE,100MbE,1GbE, -->
|totwan             = <!-- total wan ports -->
|lan_ports          = <!-- 4, -->
|lan_speed          = <!-- 10MbE,100MbE,1GbE, -->
|lan2_ports         = <!-- 4, -->
|lan2_speed         = <!-- 10MbE,100MbE,1GbE, -->
|totlan             = <!-- total lan ports -->
|ethstandard        = <!-- auto -->
|portbasedvlan      = <!-- Support for port based vlan tagging, Leave blank for unknown -->
|802.1qvlan         = <!-- Support for 802.1q vlan tagging, Leave blank for unknown -->
|auto_mdix          = <!-- mdix support -->
|sup_jumbo          = <!-- Jumbo frames support -->
|ethoui             = <!-- Leave blank for unknown -->
|oui                = <!-- Wireless OUI -->

|bootwait           = <!-- On or Off, Leave blank for unknown -->
|stockbootloader    = <!-- Name;Version;Distro -->
|stockos            = <!-- Name;Version;Distro -->
|stockbootloader2   = <!-- Name;Version;Distro -->
|stockos2           = <!-- Name;Version;Distro -->

|exp_if_types       = <!-- Expansion Interface types, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_sim_num        = <!-- Number of sim Slots, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_pcmcia_num     = <!-- Number of pcmcia ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_expcard_num    = <!-- Number of Expresscard ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_minipci_num    = <!-- Number of Mini PCI Slots, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_minipcie_num   = <!-- Number of Mini PCIexpress Slots, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_usb_num        = <!-- Number of USB Ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_cf_num         = <!-- Number Compact Flash Slots, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_sdmmc_num      = <!-- Number SD/MMC Slots, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_ide_num        = <!-- Number of ide ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_ata_num        = <!-- Number of ATA Ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_sata_num       = <!-- Number of sata ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_esata_num      = <!-- Number of esata ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_parallel       = <!-- Number of parallel ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_sfp_num        = <!-- Number of sfp ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_M.2            = <!-- Number of M.2 ports, Leave blank for none -->
|exp_hdmi_num       = 
|usb_hub            = <!-- USB hub compatibility -->

|pwr_volt_type      = <!-- BAT,VDC,VAC, or POE, -->
|pwr_vdc            = <!-- DC Volts -->
|pwr_amp_dc         = <!-- DC Amps -->
|pwr_vac            = <!-- AC Volts -->
|pwr_ac_hz          = <!-- AC Hertz -->
|pwr_amp_ac         = <!-- AC Amps -->
|pwr_poe_type       = <!-- Type of POE -->
|pwr_poe            = <!-- POE Volts -->
|pwr_poe_amp        = <!-- POE Amps -->
|pwr_bat            = 
|pwr_bat_amp        = 
|pwr_bat_type       = 
|pwr_bat_mAh        = 
|pwr_bat_cells      = 
|pwr_conn           = <!-- Connector Type -->
|pwr_barrel_outer   = <!-- Outer barrel size in mm -->
|pwr_barrel_inner   = <!-- Inner barrel size in mm -->
|pwr_barrel_len     = <!-- Length of barrel -->
|pwr_pol            = <!-- Connector polarity -->

|serial             = <!-- Full Serial info -->
|jtag               = <!-- Full JTAG info -->

|specialfeat        = <!-- Features that don't fit any place else, Leave blank for none -->
|flags              = <!-- flags, Leave blank for none -->
|addchip            = <!-- Additional Chips -->
|802dot11_protocols = <!-- ie abgn+ac+ad+ax+be,none, -->

|defaulip           = <!-- ???.???.???.???, default IP Address -->
|defaultlogin       = <!-- default Login Name, Leave blank for unknown -->
|defaultpass        = <!-- default Password, Leave blank for unknown -->
|defaultssid        = <!-- default Wireless ID, Leave blank for unknown -->
|defaultssid_regex  = 
|default_ch         = <!-- Defaults channel(s) Radio(s) are set to -->
|manuf              = <!-- Manufacturer -->
|manuf_model        = <!-- Manufacturer Model -->
|manuf_rev          = <!-- Manufacturer Revision -->
|is_manuf           = <!-- Yes, or No, -->
|tpfirmware         = <!-- Third party firmware official support, AsusWRT-Merlin, CeroWrt, DD-WRT, DD-WRT (kong), DD-WRT (kongac), DD-WRT (kongarm), FreedomBox, FreshTomato-ARM, Gargoyle, LibreWrt, Oleg (wl500g), Oleg-ng (wl500g), OpenWrt, OpenWrt (WIP), OpenWrt (Was), Tomato, Tomato RAF, Tomato (shibby), Tomato (Toastman), TomatoUSB, Wive-NG -->

|availability       = <!-- Market availability -->
|eoldate            = <!-- End of Life date -->
|fccapprovdate      = <!-- FCCID approval date -->
|estreldate         = <!-- Estimated release date -->
|estprice           = <!-- Estimated retail price in US dollars -->
|upc                = <!-- UPC number -->
|ean                = <!-- EAN number -->
|dx_sku             = <!-- DealExtreme sku -->
|newegg             = <!-- newegg item number -->
|asin               = <!-- ASIN number -->
|asin_country       = <!-- ASIN country -->
|asin2              = <!-- ASIN number -->
|asin_country2      = <!-- ASIN country -->
|asin3              = <!-- ASIN number -->
|asin_country3      = <!-- ASIN country -->
|asin4              = <!-- ASIN number -->
|asin_country4      = <!-- ASIN country -->
|countrymanuf       = <!-- Country device was manufactured in -->

|buttons            = <!-- buttons available -->
|led                = <!-- Led colors and descriptions -->
|dimensions         = <!-- Size of device {{convert |length|x|widthordepth|x|height|in|mm}} -->
|weight             = <!-- Weight of device {{convert|weight|oz|g}} -->

|wi1_if_name        = 
|rad1mod            = <!-- Radio module name, optional link, Leave blank for none -->
|rad1modif          = <!-- Radio Module Interface Type, Leave blank for none -->
|rad1chip1cpu       = <!-- true, -->
|rad1chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad1chip2          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad1chip3          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad1oui            = <!-- Only if different from above OUI -->
|rad1_ant_conn      = <!-- Leave blank for unknown -->
|rad1txchains       = <!-- Number of transmit radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad1rxchains       = <!-- Number of receive radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad1sstreams       = <!-- Number of spatial data streams, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad1stand          = <!-- IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad/ax/be, Capable standards for thos radio -->
|rad1be             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad1ay             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|axqam1             = <!-- AX-qam -->
|rad1ax             = <!-- 574, 1148, 4804, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad1ad             = <!-- ??? Maximum throughput rated at -->
|acqam1             = <!-- AC-qam -->
|rad1ac             = <!-- 433, 867, 1300, 1733, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|nqam1              = <!-- 600, 800, 900, 1000, -->
|rad1n              = <!-- 150, 300, 450, 600, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad1g              = <!-- 54, 108, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad1b              = <!-- 11, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad1a              = <!-- 54, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad1freq           = <!-- 2.4 or 5 or 6, Frequency band(s) of this radio -->
|rad1correv         = <!-- core revision, Leave blank for none or unknown -->
|rad1cap            = <!-- radio capabilities, Leave blank for none or unknown -->

|wi2_if_name        = 
|rad2mod            = <!-- Radio module name, optional link, Leave blank for none -->
|rad2modif          = <!-- Radio Module Interface Type, Leave blank for none -->
|rad2chip1cpu       = <!-- true, -->
|rad2chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad2chip2          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad2chip3          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad2oui            = <!-- Only if different from above OUI -->
|rad2_ant_conn      = <!-- Leave blank for unknown -->
|rad2txchains       = <!-- Number of transmit radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad2rxchains       = <!-- Number of receive radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad2sstreams       = <!-- Number of spatial data streams, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad2stand          = <!-- IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad/ax/be, Capable standards for thos radio -->
|rad2be             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad2ay             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|axqam2             = <!-- AX-qam -->
|rad2ax             = <!-- 574, 1148, 4804, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad2ad             = <!-- ??? Maximum throughput rated at -->
|acqam2             = <!-- AC-qam -->
|rad2ac             = <!-- 433, 867, 1300, 1733, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|nqam2              = <!-- 600, 800, 900, 1000, -->
|rad2n              = <!-- 150, 300, 450, 600, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad2g              = <!-- 54, 108, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad2b              = <!-- 11, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad2a              = <!-- 54, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad2freq           = <!-- 2.4 or 5 or 6, Frequency band(s) of this radio -->
|rad2correv         = <!-- core revision, Leave blank for none or unknown -->
|rad2cap            = <!-- radio capabilities, Leave blank for none or unknown -->

|wi3_if_name        = 
|rad3mod            = <!-- Radio module name, optional link, Leave blank for none -->
|rad3modif          = <!-- Radio Module Interface Type, Leave blank for none -->
|rad3chip1cpu       = <!-- true, -->
|rad3chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad3chip2          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad3chip3          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad3oui            = <!-- Only if different from above OUI -->
|rad3_ant_conn      = <!-- Leave blank for unknown -->
|rad3txchains       = <!-- Number of transmit radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad3rxchains       = <!-- Number of receive radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad3sstreams       = <!-- Number of spatial data streams, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad3stand          = <!-- IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad/ax/be, Capable standards for thos radio -->
|rad3be             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad3ay             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|axqam3             = <!-- AX-qam -->
|rad3ax             = <!-- 574, 1148, 4804, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad3ad             = <!-- ???, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|acqam3             = <!-- AC-qam -->
|rad3ac             = <!-- 433, 867, 1300, 1733, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|nqam3              = <!-- 600, 800, 900, 1000, -->
|rad3n              = <!-- 150, 300, 450, 600, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad3g              = <!-- 54, 108, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad3b              = <!-- 11, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad3a              = <!-- 54, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad3freq           = <!-- 2.4 or 5 or 6, Frequency band(s) of this radio -->
|rad3correv         = <!-- core revision, Leave blank for none or unknown -->
|rad3cap            = <!-- radio capabilities, Leave blank for none or unknown -->

|wi4_if_name        = 
|rad4mod            = <!-- Radio module name, optional link, Leave blank for none -->
|rad4modif          = <!-- Radio Module Interface Type, Leave blank for none -->
|rad4chip1cpu       = <!-- true, -->
|rad4chip1          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad4chip2          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad4chip3          = <!-- Brand;Model;Extra, info; -->
|rad4oui            = <!-- Only if different from above OUI -->
|rad4_ant_conn      = <!-- Leave blank for unknown -->
|rad4txchains       = <!-- Number of transmit radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad4rxchains       = <!-- Number of receive radio chains, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad4sstreams       = <!-- Number of spatial data streams, Leave blank if unknown -->
|rad4stand          = <!-- IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad/ax/be, Capable standards for thos radio -->
|rad4be             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad4ay             = <!-- Maximum throughput rated at -->
|axqam4             = <!-- AX-qam -->
|rad4ax             = <!-- 574, 1148, 4804, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad4ad             = <!-- ???, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|acqam4             = <!-- AC-qam -->
|rad4ac             = <!-- 433, 867, 1300, 1733, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|nqam4              = <!-- 600, 800, 900, 1000 -->
|rad4n              = <!-- 150, 300, 450, 600, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad4g              = <!-- 54, 108, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad4b              = <!-- 11, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad4a              = <!-- 54, Maximum throughput rated at -->
|rad4freq           = <!-- 2.4 or 5 or 6, Frequency band(s) of this radio -->
|rad4correv         = <!-- core revision, Leave blank for none or unknown -->
|rad4cap            = <!-- radio capabilities, Leave blank for none or unknown -->


==Links of Interest==

===Flashing dd-wrt===
|techdata                  = 
|wikipage                  = 
|forumpage                 = 
|forumpage2                = 
|forumpage3                = 
|github                    = 
|target                    = 
|subtarget                 = 
|arch                      = 
|support_started_version   = unknown
|current_supported_version = unknown
|unsupportedfuncntions     = 
|comment                   = 
Please insert instructions here

===Flashing OpenWrt===
|techdata                  = 
|wikipage                  = 
|forumpage                 = 
|forumpage2                = 
|forumpage3                = 
|github                    = 
|target                    = 
|subtarget                 = 
|arch                      = 
|support_started_version   = unknown
|current_supported_version = unknown
|image_too_big             = 
|unsupportedfuncntions     = 
|comment                   = 
Please insert instructions here

===Flashing Tomato===
Please insert instructions here



==JTAG-Serial Info==
====JTAG Pinouts====

====JTAG Recovery====

====Serial Pinouts====

====Serial Recovery====

{{/Serial info}}

==USB Info==

==vlan Info==

<!-- <center>'''Retail Images'''
</gallery></center>[[Has images::retail| ]][[Has images::external| ]][[Has images::packaging| ]] -->[[Category:Retail Photo's Needed]]
<!-- <center>'''User Images'''
</gallery></center>[[Has images::internal| ]][[Has images::external| ]][[Has images::label| ]][[Has images::power adapter| ]] -->[[Category:User Photo's Needed]]
<!-- <center>'''FCCID {{fccid|fccidnumber}}'''
</gallery></center>[[Has images::fcc| ]] -->[[Category:FCC Photo's Needed]]


==Hardware Modification==

==See also==

[[Category:English Documentation]]
[[Category:New Entry]]

See also

TechInfoDepot:All Infoboxes