TechInfoDepot:JTAG/JTAG Pinouts

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Airlink AR430W


The router follows the MIPS 2.6 EJTAG Specification and has the same PIN information. But on the board the PINS are layed out as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 13 12 11 10 9 8

1 - nTRST
3 - TDI
5 - TDO
7 - TMS
9 - TCK
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - GND [you only need one GND for JTAG]
You dont need the following pins
11 - nSRST
14 - VCC
12, 13 - N/C

Airlink AP431W

Same as DWL-2100/2200 - See below

Asus RT-N16

Asus rt-n16 JTAG.png

Asus WL500g Deluxe

Asus wl500g jtag.jpg

Belkin F5D7230 v1000

To flash use latest wrt54g v4.8, with these parameters: /fc:29 /nocwd /nobreak /noreset
watch out for RA11 (under the minipci)

Belkin F5D7230 v1000-siemens se505 v1.jpg

Belkin F5D7231 v1212

F5d 7231 v1212.jpg

Buffalo WBR-G54

jtag is pins 1-12 (normal jtag pinout: 3: TDI, 5: TDO, 7: TMS, 9: TCK)
| |mini-pci card
| |_______________
| 2 12 JP1
| o o o o o o |o o|
| o o o o o o |o o|
| 1 11 JP2

Buffalo WLA-G54

siehe Buffalo WBR-G54

Buffalo WLA-G54C

Wlag54c jtag.jpg

Buffalo WVR-G54-NF

WVR G54 NF jtag.jpg

Dell Truemobile 2300 v1

Dell tm2300 v1 jtag.jpg

DLink DWL2100/2200

(Also Airlink AP321W)

Pin 1 to pin 14

Pin 3 TDI

Pin 5 TDO

Pin 7 TMS

Pin 9 TCK

Pin 6 Grd

Standard v2.6 EJTAG connector:

4-FONERA 2200A JTAG v2.6.jpg

Fonera 2200A

The board:


Standard v2.6 EJTAG connector:

4-FONERA 2200A JTAG v2.6.jpg

Linksys WRT300n v2

Wrt300n v2 jtag.jpg

Linksys WRT54G v2

Wrt54g v2 jtag.png

Motorola WE800G v1

We800g v1 jtag.jpg

Motorola WR850G v1

Wr850gv1 jtag.jpg

Parallel port - TJTAG 3.0.2 - /cable:wiggler


To get the Universal JTAG board, read this forum thread

Philips SNB6500 (v1)

Board before MOD:

2-SNB6500 BOARD.jpg

Preparation: 1st step

2-SNB6500 BOARD.jpg

Preparation: 1st step

3-SNB6500 BOARD.jpg

First group of pads:

4-SNB6500 Dettaglio 1 JTAG.jpg

Wires connected:

5-SNB6500 Dettaglio 1 JTAG Collegamenti.jpg

Wires flow:

6-SNB6500 Dettaglio 1 JTAG Collegamenti.jpg

Hidden connections:

7-SNB6500 Dettaglio 1 JTAG Collegamenti.jpg

Second group of pads:

8-SNB6500 Dettaglio 2 JTAG.jpg

Wires connected:

9-SNB6500 Dettaglio 2 JTAG Collegamenti.jpg

Final look:

10-SNB6500 JTAG Collegamenti FINITO.jpg

Siemens SE505 v1

see Belkin F5D7230 v1000

Siemens SE505 v2

SE505v2 JTAG.jpg

You will find round Labels on the flash chip with 01, 02, 03

Nice German HowTo: JTAG for SE505 v2

I updated the jtagspi with a 8Meg winbond flash and added information if you have to fix the code to match your JTAG hardware
jtagspi.tgz with my modifications

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