TechInfoDepot:DD-WRT/Compiling DD-WRT Sources
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Compiling DD-WRT Sources @ dd-wrt
New Instructions
More streamlined, up-to-date instructions with automated scripts can be found here Building From Source.
Old Instructions <deprecated>
Install a LINUX-System like KNOPPIX and open a root shell (or become "root" by issuing "su" and type your root password), then issue the following commands (the example uses the "0528-2006-svn2242.snapshot.tar.bz2" source distribution)
cd / mkdir /home/dd-wrt cd /home/dd-wrt wget tar -xjvf toolchains.x86.debian.sp1.tar.bz2 mv /home/dd-wrt/toolchains/3.4.6-uclibc-0.9.28 /home/dd-wrt/toolchains/3.4.6 mv /home/dd-wrt/toolchains/4.1.0-uclibc-0.9.28 /home/dd-wrt/toolchains/4.1.0 cd /home/dd-wrt mkdir /home/dd-wrt/snapshot cd /home/dd-wrt/snapshot wget tar -xjvf 0528-2006-svn2242.snapshot.tar.bz2 cd /home/dd-wrt/snapshot/DD-WRT/opt rm ln -s libgcc/ cd /home/dd-wrt/snapshot/DD-WRT/src/linux ln -s brcm/linux.v23 ln -s brcm/linux.v24 ln -s brcm/linux.v23 linux cd /home/dd-wrt mkdir /home/dd-wrt/image ln -s /home/dd-wrt/image /GruppenLW cd /home/dd-wrt/snapshot/DD-WRT/opt
then start compiling with
your images should be in
32bit operating system
Howto compile dd-wrt on a 32bit operating system. Problem: Compilation stops, because mksquashfs-lzma is a 64bit file. Can't execute file.... Solution: BrainSlayer added the source code for mksquashfs-lzma to the current svn. So it only needs to be compiled on your 32bit OS. Please install toolchain 3.4.6 on your system. step 1: mkdir /home/dd-wrt/tools cd /home/dd-wrt/tools step 2: svn co svn:// or take a look at ./DD-WRT/src/squashfs-tools (included in new snapshots) step 3: source code of mksquashfs-lzma should be in /home/dd-wrt/tools/squashfs-tools step 4: cd /home/dd-wrt/tools/squashfs-tools step 5: create a shell script -> vi [code] #!/bin/sh export PATH=/home/dd-wrt/toolchains/3.4.6/bin:$PATH make [/code] save -> ESC ; wq! step 6: start compiling "./ step 7: copy mksquashfs-lzma to the right directory cp mksquashfs-lzma /home/dd-wrt/snapshot/DD-WRT/src/linux/linux.v23/scripts/squashfs/