Realtek/Wireless chipets

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Chipset Interface PHY
First seen
Notes Adapters ESystems PPage
/ PR
RTL8188CU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 SoftMAC
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8188CUS USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2010-04-16 Low-cost version of RTL8192CU
S=single channel, 0bda:8176
74 devices 18 devices PPage°
RTL8188CTV USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2012-04-30 Small form factor
2 devices 2 devices
RTL8188EU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 SoftMAC OBSD
EU_ETV: 0bda:0179
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8188EUS USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2013-03-05 46-pin QFN (6.5x4.5mm)
19 devices 10 devices PPage
RTL8188ETV USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2013-05-14 46-pin QFN (6.5x4.5mm)
EU_ETV: 0bda:0179
6 devices 3 devices PPage
RTL8188FTV USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2018-08-08 int. PA/LNA/TRSW
24-pin QFN (4x4mm)
1 devices 5 devices PPage
RTL8188GU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2017-12-29 Embedded memory for
drivers, 0bda:b711
3 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8188RU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2011-10-05 High-power variant of RTL8188CU
0bda:817d (HP), 0bda:817f
2 devices 0 devices PPage°
RTL8188SU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2009-07-02 FullMAC OBSD
62 devices 2 devices PPage°
RTL8191SU USB 2.0 bgn 1x2:2 2009-04-07 FullMAC OBSD
66 devices 1 devices PPage°
RTL8191CU USB 2.0 bgn 1x2:2 FullMAC OBSD
0 devices 0 devices PPage°
RTL8192CU USB 2.0 bgn 2x2:2 2010-08-19 SoftMAC OBSD
52 devices 1 devices PPage°
RTL8192DU USB 2.0 abgn 2x2:2 2011-07-21 Dual MAC
0bda:8193, 0bda:8194
29 devices 3 devices PPage°
RTL8192EU USB 2.0 bgn 2x2:2 2014-06-27 int. PA/LNA/TRSW
56-pin QFN, 0bda:818b
22 devices 2 devices PPage
RTL8192FM USB 2.0 bgn 2x2:2 2018-12-17 Embedded memory
for drivers
1 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8192FU USB 2.0 bgn 2x2:2 2019-10-05 Embedded memory
for drivers
1 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8192SU USB 2.0 bgn 2x2:2 2009-06-26 FullMAC OBSD
27 devices 7 devices PPage°
USB 2.0 bgn 1x2:2 2008-05-30 Draft-n
14 devices 0 devices PPage°
USB 2.0 abgn 1x2:2 2008-05-30 Draft-n
0 devices 0 devices PPage°



Chip Interface PHY
First seen
Notes Adapters ESystems PPage
/ PR
RTL8189EM SDIO 3.0 bgn 1x1:1 IoT RTL8189EM + MCU, Home
Lighting and Safety Solution
0 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8189ES SDIO 3.0 bgn 1x1:1 2014-03-26 SDIO 1.1/2.0/3.0, FN-8900M
RTL8189ES-VB-GC, 32-pin QFN
1 devices 5 devices PPage
RTL8189ETC SDIO 3.0 bgn 1x1:1 RTL8189ETC - QFN
0 devices 0 devices PPage°
RTL8189ETV SDIO 3.0 bgn 1x1:1 2017-08-28 Orange Pi Plus 2 (Pi+2)
0 devices 9 devices PPage
RTL8189FTV SDIO 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2018-11-20 Orange Pi Lite (PiLite)
0 devices 11 devices PPage
RTL8723AE PCIe bgn 1x1:1 2011-12-06 int. BT 4.0 (UART) 4 devices 0 devices PPage°
USB 2.0
bgn 1x1:1 2012-04-12 int. BT 4.0 (UART) 1 devices 1 devices PPage°
RTL8723AU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 rtl8xxxu, rtl8723au, BT 4.0
(rtl8723au_bt, kernel, fixed)
0 devices 0 devices PPage°
RTL8723BE PCIe bgn 1x1:1 2013-05-08 802.11bgn, BT 4.0 LE, rtl8723be
RTL8723BE-VB, 68-pin QFN
4 devices 0 devices PPage
2.0 / 3.0
bgn 1x1:1 2013-09-13 802.11bgn, BT 2.1/3.0/4.0 LE,
RTL8723BS-VQ0-VB, 68-pin QFN
2 devices 15 devices PR
RTL8723BU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2016-06-22 802.11bgn, BT 4.0 LE, rtl8723bu
RTL8723BU, 56-pin QFN, rtl8xxxu
3 devices 3 devices PPage
RTL8723CE PCIe bgn 1x1:1 802.11bgn, BT 4.0 LE, rtl8723be
RTL8723CE, 56-pin QFN
0 devices 0 devices PPage°
RTL8723CS SDIO 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 SDIO module M.2 1216/LGA
WLAN, BT, FM receiver
0 devices 1 devices PR
RTL8723CU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 802.11bgn, BT 4.0 LE, rtl8723bu
RTL8703B, 56-pin QFN, rtl8xxxu
0 devices 0 devices PPage°
RTL8723DE PCIe bgn 1x1:1 2016-06-06 802.11bgn, BT 2.1/4.2 (USB)
RTL8723DE-CG, 56-pin QFN
1 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8723DS SDIO 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2017-12-08 802.11bgn, BT 2.1/4.2 (USB)
RTL8723DS-CG, 48-pin QFN
1 devices 12 devices PPage
RTL8723DU USB 2.0 bgn 1x1:1 2017-12-08 802.11bgn, BT 2.1/4.2 (USB)
RTL8723DU-CG, 48-pin QFN
1 devices 0 devices PPage


Chip Interface PHY
First seen
Notes Adapters ESystems PPage /
RTL8811AE PCIe 1.1 abgn+ac 1x1:1 802.11ac DB, PCIe, QFN-68
80MHz BW (433Mbps PHY)
0 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8811AS SDIO / UART abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8811AU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 1x1:1 2013-04-30 802.11ac (BB/RF)
QFN-56 package
34 devices 1 devices PPage
RTL8811CU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 1x1:1 2018-01-03 802.11ac (MAC/BB/RF), QFN-56
Wave2, MU-MIMO, 256QAM
5 devices 1 devices PPage
RTL8812AE PCIe 1.1 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2013-01-04 802.11ac DB, QFN-76, 10ec:8812
80MHz BW (650Mbps PHY)
15 devices 2 devices PPage
RTL8812AR PCIe 1.1 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2012-11-29 802.11ac, PCIe 1.1
QFN-76 package
1 devices 48 devices PPage
RTL8812AU USB 3.0 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2012-12-19 802.11ac (USB 3.0)
QFN-76 package
60 devices 0 devices PPage
PCIe 1.1 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2017-08-09 2T2R MU-MIMO (PCIe 1.1)
Wave2, QFN-88 (28nm)
0 devices 49 devices PPage
RTL8812BU USB 3.0 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2016-12-29 2T2R, MU-MIMO (USB 3.0)
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5mm)
30 devices 4 devices PPage
RTL8812FR PCIe 1.1 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2019-10-25 2T2R MU-MIMO (PCIe 1.1)
Wave2, QFN-88 (28nm)
0 devices 4 devices PPage
RTL8813AE PCIe abgn+ac 3x3:3 3T3R 802.11ac DB, PCIe
80MHz BW (650Mbps PHY)
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8813AU USB 3.0 abgn+ac 3x3:3 3T3R 802.11ac, USB 3.0 0 devices 0 devices
RTL8813BE PCIe abgn+ac 3x3:3 3T3R 802.11ac, PCIe
DB, 160MHz BW
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8814AE PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac 4x4:3 4T4R3S MIMO, PCIe 2.0
QFN-128 (10x10), 10ec:8813
0 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8814AR PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac 4x4:3 2015-05-29 4T4R3S MIMO, PCIe 2.0
QFN-128 (10x10), 10ec:8813
0 devices 6 devices PPage
RTL8814AS SDIO 3.0 abgn+ac 4x4:3 4T4R 802.11ac, SDIO 3.0
QFN-128, 024c:8813
0 devices 0 devices drv
RTL8814AU USB 3.0 abgn+ac 4x4:3 2015-06-11 4T4R3S MIMO, USB 3.0
QFN-128 (10x10), 0bda:8813
15 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8814BE PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac 4x4:4 4T4R MIMO, PCIe 2.0
QFN-128 (10x10), 10ec:b814
0 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8814BR PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac 4x4:4 2019-03-10 4T4R MIMO, PCIe 2.0
QFN-128 (10x10), 10ec:8814
0 devices 2 devices PPage
RTL8821AE PCIe 1.1 /
USB 1.1
abgn+ac 1x1:1 2013-07-10 802.11ac DB, BT 4.0 LE, QFN-68
80MHz BW (433Mbps PHY)
3 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8821AS SDIO / UART abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.0 LE
QFN-68, SDIO, 024c:b821
0 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8821AU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 1x1:1 2016-10-18 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.0
USB 2.0, QFN-56
1 devices 1 devices PPage
RTL8821BE PCIe/ USB abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.1 0 devices 0 devices
RTL8821BS SDIO / UART abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.1
SDIO, 024c:b821
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8821BU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.1
USB 2.0, QFN-56
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8821CE PCIe 1.1 /
USB 2.0
abgn+ac 1x1:1 2016-12-12 1T1R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2
Wave2, TFBGA (5.2x5.2)
2 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8821CS SDIO 3.0 /
abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2
Wave2, TFBGA (5.2x5.2)
0 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8821CU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 1x1:1 2018-08-03 1T1R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2
Wave2, QFN-56
3 devices 7 devices PPage
RTL8822AE PCIe 1.1 /
USB 1.1
abgn+ac 2x2:2 2T2R 802.11ac DB, BT 4.0 LE
80MHz BW (650Mbps PHY)
0 devices 0 devices
PCIe 1.1 /
USB 2.0
abgn+ac 2x2:2 2016-08-29 2T2R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2 (4.1)
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5)
4 devices 1 devices PPage
RTL8822BS SDIO 3.0 /
abgn+ac 2x2:2 2019-02-26 2T2R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5)
0 devices 1 devices PPage
RTL8822BU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2018-07-30 2T2R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5)
5 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8822CE PCIe 1.1 /
USB 2.0
abgn+ac 2x2:2 2018-11-02 2T2R MU-MIMO, BT 4.2 (4.1)
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5)
2 devices 3 devices PPage
RTL8822CS SDIO 3.0 /
abgn+ac 2x2:2 2019-08-02 2T2R MU-MIMO, BT 5.0 (4.2)
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5)
0 devices 2 devices PPage
RTL8822CU USB 2.0 abgn+ac 2x2:2 2019-07-11 2T2R MU-MIMO, BT 5.0 (4.2)
Wave2, TFBGA (6.5x6.5)
1 devices 0 devices PPage
RTL8831AS SDIO / UART abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.0 LE
0 devices 0 devices
RTL8851AS SDIO / UART abgn+ac 1x1:1 1T1R 802.11ac, BT 4.0 LE
0 devices 0 devices

ax (Wi-Fi 6)

Chip Interface PHY
First seen
Notes Adapters ESystems PPage /
RTL8192XBR PCIe 2.0 bgn+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, PCIe 2.0, HE40
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8832AR PCIe 2.0 an+ac+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, PCIe 2.0, HE80
RTL8832AR (1.2Gbps PHY)
0 devices 0 devices PR AC
RTL8832AU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2021-07-29 Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, USB 3.0, HE80
RTL8832AU (0bda:8832)
9 devices 0 devices PR
PCIe 2.0 an+ac+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, PCIe 2.0, HE80
RTL8832BR (1.2Gbps PHY)
0 devices 1 devices AC|WiFi
RTL8832BU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2023-09-11 Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, USB 3.0, HE80
RTL8832BU (0bda:b832)
2 devices 0 devices PR
PCIe 2.0 an+ac+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6E, 802.11ax, PCIe 2.0, HE160
RTL8832CR (2.4Gbps PHY)
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8832CU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2023-09-22 Wi-Fi 6E, 2.4/5/6GHz, USB 3.0, HE160
RTL8832CU (0bda:c832)
2 devices 0 devices PR
PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac+ax 1x1:1
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax DB, PCIe 2.0, FCC
RTL8851BE (10ec:b851)
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8851BU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 1x1:1
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, USB 3.0, FCC
RTL8851BU (0bda:b851)
2 devices 0 devices PR
PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2020-10-16 Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax DB, PCIe 2.0, FCC
RTL8852AES (10ec:8852)
4 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8852AU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, USB 3.0, FCC
RTL8852AU (0bda:885a)
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8852BE PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2021-08-13 Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax DB, PCIe 2.0, FCC
RTL8852BE (10ec:a852)
3 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8852BU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2022-09-20 Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, USB 3.0, FCC
RTL8852BU (0bda:b852)
2 devices 0 devices PR
abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax, SDIO/UART
0 devices 1 devices PR
RTL8852CE PCIe 2.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
2024-02-21 Wi-Fi 6E, 2.4/5/6GHz, HE160
RTL8852CE (10ec:c852)
1 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8852CU USB 3.0 abgn+ac+ax 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 6E, USB 3.0, HE160
RTL8852CU (0bda:c852)
0 devices 0 devices PR
Realtek RTL8197F, RTL8197H, RTL8198D, RTL8198F, RTL8832AR, RTL8832BR, RTL8832CU, RTL8852AE, RTL8852CE chipsets

High-Speed Wireless Internet Access (RTL8197F/RTL8198D/RTL8198F/RTL8852A)

Realtek’s wireless network system single chips include the RTL8197F/RTL8198D/RTL8198F

and offer a small size and highly integrated design. They provide a built-in high power
amplifier, low power consumption, high throughput, and support for Wi-Fi EasyMesh.
  • FCC ID: TX2-RTL8852AE (10/16/2020) - RTL8852AE 802.11ax Wireless Combo Module
RTL8852AES (802.11ax 2T2R)

The RTL8852A is Realtek’s first 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) wireless product. It backward supports

802.11ac, and provides an enhanced stability, high-efficiency, and high-throughput wireless
network service that supports large numbers of users in high-user-density locations.

It also features a new flow control mechanism to reduce power consumption and extend battery life.

Realtek’s High-Speed Wireless Internet Access solutions are perfect for wireless routers,
mesh wireless network base stations, wireless network card solution set-top boxes,
Smart TVs, Smart Speakers, IP-CAMs, etc.
Realtek Wi-Fi 6 - CES 2022
• Wi-Fi 6 AP Router Solution with AI QoS Control
  • RTL8198D + RTL8192FRH + RTL8832AR
  • RTL8198D + RTL8192XBR + RTL8832CR
  • RTL8198XB + RTL8192XBR + RTL8832CR
RTL8198D • CPU Solution
RTL8832AR • Wi-Fi 6 Solution
RTL8832CU • Wi-Fi 6E USB Dongle
RTL8852CE • Wi-Fi 6E/BT Combo Solution
  • H3C NX15 (AX1500) • CPU: RTL8197H, WLAN: RTL8197H/RTL8832BR, 16MB/128MB/
RTL8197H • CPU: 1x 1.0GHz, N300 2T2R 802.11bgn (WiSoC) • H3C
RTL8832BR • AX1200 2T2R 802.11an/ac/ax (80MHz) • Spec.
Realtek RTL8852AU/RTL8852BU
Realtek RTL8832AU Wireless LAN WiFi 6 USB NIC
Realtek RTL8852AU Wireless LAN WiFi 6 USB NIC
Realtek RTL8852BU Wireless LAN WiFi 6 USB NIC
RTL8852au.ndi, USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8832 (RTL8832AU)
RTL8852au.ndi, USB\VID_2001&PID_3321 (RTL8832AU)
RTL8852au.ndi, USB\VID_0BDA&PID_885A (RTL8852AU)
RTL8852au.ndi, USB\VID_0BDA&PID_885C (RTL8852AU)
RTL8852bu.ndi, USB\VID_0BDA&PID_B832 (RTL8832BU)
RTL8852bu.ndi, USB\VID_0BDA&PID_B852 (RTL8852BU)
Realtek RTL8832AU Wi-Fi 6 USB
USB\VID_0B05&PID_1997 • ASUS USB-AX56 • [0b05:1997]
USB\VID_0B05&PID_19FB • [0b05:19fb]
USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8832 • RTL8832AU • [0bda:8832]
USB\VID_0BDA&PID_885C • RTL8852AU • [0bda:885c]
USB\VID_2001&PID_3321 • D-Link DWA-X1850 rev A1 • [2001:3321]
USB\VID_0441&PID_0312 • Buffalo WI-U3-1200AX2(/N) • [0441:0312]

be (Wi-Fi 7)

Chip Interface PHY
First seen
Notes Adapters ESystems PPage /
RTL8294X(AR) PCIe 2.0 bgn+ax+be 4x4:4
Wi-Fi 7, 802.11be, 2.4GHz, BW40
RTL8294XAR (10ec:c294)
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8902A(R) PCIe 2.0 bgn+ax+be 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 7, 802.11be, 2.4GHz, BW40
RTL8902A (10ec:c902)
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8912AU USB 3.0 abgn+ac
2024-10-03 Wi-Fi 7, 2.4/5/6GHz, BW320, BT 5.4
WPA3, MLO, RTL8912AU (0bda:8912)
3 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8922A(E) PCIe 2.0 an+ac+ax+be 2x2:2
2024-04-19 Wi-Fi 7, 5/6GHz, BW160, BT 5.4
802.11az, RTL8922A (10ec:c922)
1 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8934A(R) PCIe 2.0 an+ac+ax+be 4x4:4
Wi-Fi 7, 5/6GHz, BW160
RTL8934AR (10ec:c934)
0 devices 0 devices PR
RTL8952A(R) PCIe 2.0 an+ac+ax+be 2x2:2
Wi-Fi 7, 5/6GHz, BW160
RTL8952AR (10ec:c952)
0 devices 0 devices PR
Realtek WiFi 7 and WiFi 6 roadmap for routers and clients

Wi-Fi 7
  • RTL8294XAR (4×4 2.4GHz)
  • RTL8902A (2×2 2.4GHz)
  • RTL8922A (E) (2×2 5/6GHz) • BT 5.4, 802.11az
M.2 2230 / SD 1620 WiFi module (2880Mbps)
  • RTL8934A (4×4 5GHz)
  • RTL8934AR (4×4 6GHz)
  • RTL8952AR (2×2 5/6GHz)
  • RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)
  • RTL8126 (5GbE PHY)
Realtek WiFi 7 and WiFi 6 roadmap for routers and clients (CNX-Software)

We’ve just written about Realtek 5 Gbps Ethernet chips, but the company also has some roadmaps

for WiFi 6 and WiFi 7 router chips, and a WiFi 7 client module demonstrated at COMPUTEX 2023.

The company’s roadmap include five WiFi 7 router solutions:

  • BE3600 Wi-Fi 7 router • Realtek RTL8198DS @1.2GHz (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8902A (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8952AR (2×2 5GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)
  • BE6400 Wi-Fi 7 router • Realtek RTL8198DS @1.2GHz (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8192XBR (2×2 2.4GHz AX), RTL8934A (4×4 5GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)
  • BE6500 Wi-Fi 7 router • Realtek RTL8198DS @1.2GHz (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8902A (2×2 2.4GHz), 2x RTL8952AR (2×2 5/6GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)
  • BE7200 Wi-Fi 7 router • Realtek RTL8198DS @1.2GHz (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8294XAR (4×4 2.4GHz BE), RTL8934A (4×4 5GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)
  • BE9400 Wi-Fi 7 router • Realtek RTL8198DS @1.2GHz (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8902A (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8952AR (2×2 5GHz), RTL8934AR (4×4 6GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)

The routers would come with 256MB or 512MB RAM and an AI engine with all supporting the same unified SDK.

But not everybody will need WiFi 7, and mainstream routers now support WiFi 6, so Realtek provides solutions for WiFi 6 routers

supporting from AX1500 to AX5400 speeds, some with Gigabit Ethernet, and the others with 2.5GbE networking.

Most are based on the Realtek RTL8198D Dual or Triple-core ARM processor with 128MB or 256MB RAM,

but the top AX5400GE model features the Realtek RTL8198XB Quad-core ARM processor.
  • AX1500GE (H) Wi-Fi 6 router • Realtek RTL8197H (Dual-core ARM) CPU (WiSoC)
RTL8197H (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8832BR (2×2 5GHz), RTL8367RB (GbE), 128MB RAM
  • AX1500GE (D) Wi-Fi 6 router • Realtek RTL8198D (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8192FRH (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8832BR (2×2 5GHz), 128MB RAM
  • AX1800GE Wi-Fi 6 router • Realtek RTL8198D (Dual-core ARM) CPU
RTL8192XBR (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8832BR (2×2 5GHz), 256MB RAM
  • AX3000GE (1G) Wi-Fi 6 router • Realtek RTL8198D (Triple-core ARM) CPU
RTL8192XBR (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8832CR (2×2 5GHz), 256MB RAM
  • AX3000GE (2.5G) Wi-Fi 6 router • Realtek RTL8198D (Triple-core ARM) CPU
RTL8192XBR (2×2 2.4GHz), RTL8832CR (2×2 5GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)
  • AX5400GE Wi-Fi 6 router • Realtek RTL8198XB (Quad-core ARM) CPU
RTL8192XBR (2×2 2.4GHz), 2x RTL8832CR (2×2 5/6GHz), RTL8221B (2.5GbE PHY)