Identifying manufacturer board P/Ns
This page shows some examples and the general format of some P/Ns or other distinguishing features attributed to various manufacturers.
Assume any information on this page is page is correct at your own risk.
AboCom (226 tagged devices)
Taiwanese manufacturer - they've been around for a while.
Accton / Arcadyan / AWB / etc (916 tagged devices)
Accton has manufactured a large amount of products, including Microsoft's old 802.11 (and non) networking line.
Arcadyan was formed as a joint venture between Philips and Accton [1].
AWB is an off-shoot of the Accton Group.
ALFA Network is an Accton Group partner [2], their newer devices seem to be mostly Accton manuf'ed.
These devices usually have silkscreened text along the lines of "P/N: 141"<4 digit numeric P/N><6 other digits / characters>, followed by, presumably, the revision, as well as a RoHS notice (for newer, post-RoHS units).
Alpha Networks (627 tagged devices)
Alpha Networks was once the manufacturing arm of D-Link. They split off around 2003.
They still manufacture many of D-Link's products (as well as those of numerous others).
Generally, text of 8<TYPE CODE><802.11 capability code>(some dots)<REVISION> (assuming any of that is correct) can be found on Alpha produced 802.11 gear.
At least some type codes seem to be as follows...
- RG - residential gateway <??> / router
- WRG - wireless gateway / wireless router
- WAP - wireless access point
- WMP - wireless adapter, 16-bit PCMCIA (generally not) or Mini PCI (mostly)
- WCB - wireless adapter, CardBus
- WUS - wireless adapter, USB
- WPC - wireless adapter, PCI / PCIe
- WMC - wireless adapter, Mini PCIe
802.11 capability codes are probably the following...
- B - 802.11b
- G - 802.11g
- A - 802.11a or 802.11a/ac
- D - 802.11a/b/g
- AB - 802.11a/b
- N - 802.11b/g/n
- ND - 802.11a/b/g/n
AMIT (155 tagged devices)
AMIT has been around since 802.11 products have been marketed. They commonly manufacture 3G/4G modem-routers for various companies.. and manufactured a variety of products in the past.
Newer AMIT boards are frequently marked with a long alphanumeric string starting with 11340.
Askey (355 tagged devices)
B-LINK (11 tagged devices)
Chinese manufacturer - many of their wireless modules are bundled into low cost devices and their stuff is frequently found on eBay and elsewhere
Billion (16 tagged devices)
Cameo (650 tagged devices)
Cameo has been around for a while, and has made routers for a wide variety of companies. D-Link devices are commonly manufactured by them (and most old D-Link devices were manufactured by Global Sun Tech, a company acquired by Cameo).
A lead-free logo (RoHS woo) is usually featured prominently on their boards.
If there is a numeric P/N, it will frequently start with 2151.
Plotech has commonly manufactured their PCBs in the past.
CyberTAN (481 tagged devices)
CyberTAN is a common manufacturer, perhaps most recognizable for manufacturing many Linksys products (including most of the venerable WRT54G series).
DareGlobal (41 tagged devices)
DareGlobal is a common DSL modem manufacturer.
Generally, silkscreened text of "PWB:"<........> and "DAT:"<........ (date code)> is found on their boards.
Delta Networks (433 tagged devices)
Delta Networks is one of Netgear's primary manufacturers, but they also manufacture stuff for a multitude of other companies.
Edimax (513 tagged devices)
Foxconn (+ Ambit Microsystems) (766 tagged devices)
Most people have probably heard of Foxconn. Ambit was absorbed into Foxconn.
Hon Hai is the parent company of Foxconn.
Internal Foxconn / Ambit models generally seem to be 7 characters - <LETTER (T/U/J/F/M/...)><TWO DIGIT NUMBER><LETTER (L/H/Z/...)><THREE DIGIT NUMBER>, followed by the presumed revision / sub-model.
Gemtek (955 tagged devices)
Gemtek is a prolific OEM/ODM. They've manufactured a large amount of products for many companies.
Generally, internal Gemtek P/Ns are in format of <TYPE (WAP = wireless access point, WRT = wireless router, etc)><PLATFORM MANUF (A = Atheros, B = Broadcom, R = Ralink, etc)>-<NUMERIC MODEL PORTION>_<VERSION>, and they are often silkscreened on the board.
Global Sun Technology (218 tagged devices)
Was once a major 802.11 independent OEM/ODM. Absorbed into CAMEO.
Lite-On (88 tagged devices)
Loopcomm (88 tagged devices)
.. is a Taiwanese OEM/ODM.
SGE (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics) (2 tagged devices)
SGE makes a large quantity of DSL modems for several major companies.. as well as a variety of other products.
Senao (439 tagged devices)
A Taiwan based manufacturer which has made numerous popular products. Their marketed brand is EnGenius.
P/Ns starting with 7016A are frequently on their boards. Typical Senao format labels may affixed to them.
SerComm (637 tagged devices)
SerComm makes a large amount of kit.
Tenda (152 tagged devices)
TP-LINK / Proware (517 tagged devices)
none ATM
Wistron NeWeb Corp. (WNC) (330 tagged devices)
Zioncom (330 tagged devices)
Chinese manufacturer - makes routers (mostly non-US distributed), USB dongles, etc
See also